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car keys left on the center console

3 Car Lockout Scenarios You Might Experience

Your day can quickly turn into something depressing if you get locked out of your car, add summer rain that comes pouring down all of a sudden and you’ll definitely feel like it is the worst day ever. No worries, there are roadside assistance services that could rescue you from such a depressing situation. There are three main scenarios in which you would need a car lockout service and they are the following:

Standard Car Lockout

Have you ever gotten out of your car to buy something and completely forget to take your keys out of the vehicle? That’s what you call a standard car lockout.

That’s one of the most common scenarios when you need to call a car locksmith to help you. It is quite common for people to get the key out of the ignition. Sometimes they leave it in their cup holder too.

The key might fall out of the ignition and the driver locks themselves out. A lot of people also lock their keys in the car when they’re rushing to get to work on time.

Keys In The Truck

Another scenario that can happen is when your keys are in the truck. People often put their keys in the trunk of their car when they’re unloading groceries or something else from the vehicle.

It’s not hard to accidentally lock yourself out of the car when your key is in the truck. You might close the door and accidentally hit the key fob button, locking you out.

Broken Car Key

The last scenario is when your car key gets broken. This happens more often than you think and it’s not just because of people trying to jimmy the lock open.

Sometimes the key snaps off in the ignition or it breaks when you’re turning it in the lock. In either case, you’re going to need a car lockout service to help you.

What Should You Do?

When any of these things happen, it’s important to stay calm and not panic. All of these scenarios are very common and there is no reason to feel embarrassed or ashamed. Just remember that there is always help available. You can call a friend, family member, or roadside assistance service to help you get back into your car.

So, what should you do when you find yourself locked out of your car? Well, the best thing to do is call a roadside assistance service. They have the tools and experience to help you get back into your vehicle. Plus, they’re available 24/7 so you can call them anytime, day or night.

Don’t try to force your way into the car or use a coat hanger to try and get the door open. This could damage your car and make the lockout situation even worse. Just relax and wait for help to arrive.

Trying to unlock your car on your own when you locked your keys inside is a bad idea as it can cause more damage to your vehicle. Instead of doing that, rely on the expert car lockout services of Reliable Guys Towing. They can come to your rescue wherever in the St. Louis metro area.

Reliable Guys Towing

Looking for a reliable towing company in the St. Louis area? Why not choose the towing team with over 20 years experience exclusively in our proud Gateway City. Fully insured, licensed and bonded in the states of Missouri and Illinois, the folks at Reliable Guys Towing pride themselves in clear communication to ensure that services, prices and quality far surpass our competition. We know our talented technicians are the best in the business, and we go that extra mile in resolving our clients issue so that they feel comfortable and assured for their Roadside Assistance needs. Whatever be your need; big or small, far or near, we're more than happy to serve you. Give us a call at (314) 325-1016 and one of our knowledgeable towing service reps will help assist getting a tow truck to you so we can quickly get you on your way.