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DIY Fixes For Common Car Battery Problems

Have you ever turned your car keys on but the engine just won’t start? If you’re like most of us, you suspect it’s due to the car batteries.

Chances are – you’re right!

From a anecdotal perspective, it’s one of the most common reasons why people call for roadside assistance is problems with their car battery.

Sometimes the problem is simple and can be fixed on-site but there are also other times when the problem is really serious and the car needs to be towed.

It’s best to arm yourself with knowledge not only on how to fix your flat tire but also on how to troubleshoot your car’s batteries.

Here are the common problems and fixes when it comes to car batteries\

Battery Terminal Problem

A car’s battery has a positive and a negative terminal. These are connected to your car through cables. A problem arises when the connection breaks.

This may be due to a variety of reasons. First of all, the bolts that hold the cables in play may be loose that the current from the battery cannot flow efficiently through them. It is possible that the bolts got loose as you drive through bumpy roads. This can be easily remedied by tightening the bolts to fix the connection.

Another reason would be the corrosion of the terminals themselves. Due to moisture and time, the terminals can be corroded without your knowledge. You can easily fix this by removing the corrosion buildup. Dip a brush in a mixture of baking soda and water then brush it onto the terminal. This dissolves the buildup so the cables can be connected to the terminals again.

Headlights And Dim Lights

The car’s battery can also fail because it is already drained. A common cause of drained batteries is leaving the headlights on overnight. Sometimes, we can forget that to turn off the headlights or the dim light in the car.

Make it a habit to always check the lights before leaving the car to prevent this from happening. In case the batteries are already drained, a trickle charger can be used. This charges the battery slowly and can be left inside the vehicle for a long time.

The amount of time it needs to charge the battery varies between one device to another. This is usually used when the car isn’t used for a long time. When charging your car battery it is best not to do it too fast or else you risk damaging your battery.

Sometimes, the battery dies because it’s already old. the average life of a car battery is 4 to 5 years.

Corroded Diode

Another reason why the car battery would be drained is due to a corroded diode. The alternator provides current to the car’s electric equipment after the engine is turned on. When its diode is corroded, it can drain the battery even if the battery is not turned on.

Always check the connections to your battery. The battery’s terminal may not be corroded but the alternator diode could be the culprit. Removing the corrosion build-up may also remedy the problem.

Severe Weather Conditions

The car battery can also be negatively affected by the harsh weather conditions of both summer and winter. This is when the temperature is too hot and too cold.

Due to the extremes in temperature, the lead content of the batteries changes to lead sulfate. This results in draining the battery and reducing its life span.

Fluid Level

Another thing you should not forget to check about your car’s battery is the fluid level. Some believe that if the electrolyte fluid in the battery is not enough, it can cause the battery to drain fast and charge slowly.

When checking the fluid level, always do the necessary precautions. The battery fluid must not be contaminated with anything so that it doesn’t affect the battery life. Before opening the battery, first, clean the outside surface. Make sure to remove all dirt and corrosion.

the car battery has an average of six cell ports. Each of them contains an electrode and electrolyte fluid. You can use a flashlight to better see what’s inside each of the ports.

Make sure that the electrode is completely covered by the electrolyte fluid. Also, make sure that the liquids are of the same level. If not, the electrolyte fluid needs to be refilled.


By knowing these scenarios affecting your car’s battery, you can better prepare for them. In this way, it would be less likely for you to require roadside services. In case the battery isn’t the problem or if you can’t figure it out, best to call a professional to help you out.

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